GCSE Curriculum | Senior | St Swithun’s School, Winchester

In Years 10 and 11 girls at St Swithun’s take 9 or 10 I/GCSE subjects, ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum whilst allowing time for other interests and activities.

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All students take three core I/GCSEs: English language, English literature and mathematics. They then select either six or seven subjects from the following options: biology, chemistry, physics; science (double award); French; German; Spanish; Classical civilisation; geography; history; religious studies; art & design; computer science; design & technology: resistant materials; drama; fashion and textiles; food preparation and nutrition; Latin; music; and physical education.

These options are subject to specific guidance in relation to sciences, modern languages and the humanities as outlined below.

Girls may study two or three separate science subjects from biology, chemistry and physics. Alternatively, they may choose to take double award science IGCSE, allowing them to continue with content from all three science subjects in less depth while only using two of their option choices. This results in two IGCSEs but is not the recommended pathway for girls contemplating studying science at A level.

At least one modern foreign language must be studied. French and German are available for girls who have been studying the languages for three years. Spanish is offered to girls who began studying the language in Year 9 or who are new to the school in Year 10.

Girls are strongly encouraged to take at least one humanity or social science (Classical civilisation, geography, history or religious studies) to ensure breadth of knowledge and skills.

Detailed course information for all of the above can be found in our GCSE curriculum booklet. This also provides information on the implications of subject choices for higher education and career options.

All girls have non-examined physical education and games, and they also follow our PHSE programme, Thrive, and our Stretch enrichment programme.

Our Senior Curriculum

Our Key Stage 3 Curriculum


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