Pastoral Care | Sixth Form | St Swithun’s School, Winchester

As with the rest of the school, wellbeing and pastoral care are at the heart of what we do in the sixth-form.

Pupils with St Swithuns signsWe strive to create an inclusive, supportive environment in which all students can flourish and become the best versions of themselves. Research shows that teenagers benefit from a sense of belonging, and our sixth-form students come together as a community to support each other in their shared endeavour.  

We know that students who are happy and healthy are much more likely to achieve their goals and aspirations. Proactively helping our students to protect their wellbeing during these important two years makes them more likely to give the best account of themselves, and develop positive, healthy behaviours as they move into adulthood.

Our form programme includes a term exploring how students can improve their wellbeing. All students have access to the wellbeing hub, where resources founded on the latest evidence help students understand how they can look after themselves, and each other. Our Thrive (PSHE) programme covers issues such as road safety, online safety, sexual health and building healthy relationships, often with talks from visiting speakers.

Alongside Jane Portas OBE, we have pioneered a Financial Wellbeing course looking at the risks and opportunities in a typical financial life journey, helping our students prepare for financial independence beyond school. This course covers much more than the basics of mortgages, student loans or pensions. It helps students explore what they might want from future relationships, the financial risks and opportunities involved when cohabiting, and how to spot signs of coercive or controlling behaviour.

Performance through sport, music, drama, Model UN and a myriad of co-curricular opportunities, coupled with regular fun events, are all designed to help our sixth formers develop positive mental health through establishing a healthy balance, and a sense of achievement.

Above all, our pastoral care system is based around knowing our students, and noticing when they might be in need of support. In the sixth form, form tutor groups, and A level classes are made up of around ten students. This allows our students to know their teachers and tutor.


The Network of Pastoral Support

We have a dedicated school clinical psychologist, and we were recently awarded the Gold Standard for outstanding mental health and wellbeing provision by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools.

Our Houseparents and Boarding House Tutors know our boarders well and look after their every need. The profound sense of community in boarding, as well as wonderful whole House events and outings, provide our sixth-form boarders with a true sense of belonging. At weekends there are regular activities such as riding, golf and archery plus the opportunity to enjoy music practice. In addition, there are a range of other opportunities such as surfing or water sports weekends, visits to towns and cities such as Bath or Oxford, or the chance to enjoy a meal in Winchester with friends. In the sixth form a growing number of students choose to board, with many taking advantage of flexi-boarding options in year 13.

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