Inspection Reports | St Swithun’s School, Winchester

Following the most recent Independent School Inspectorate (ISI) inspection of St Swithun’s prep and Senior schools in March 2024, we are pleased to share the full report here. The school was inspected as a whole – with both the senior and prep schools featuring in the overall report.

Since the last report done at St Swithun’s, new inspection framework was introduced in September 2023. The new report provides no qualitative one-word judgements as seen previously with ISI for independent schools, and still do with Ofsted in the state sector. Instead, the new style of report focuses on child-centred summaries around the school’s provision.  

We are pleased to say that the school has met the required standards in the five key areas of the new reporting framework, namely:  

1). Leadership and management, and governance 

“Leaders aim to develop confident young people who are courageous in their learning. Fulfilment of this aim is evident in lessons, as well as in pupils’ behaviour and achievement as they transition through the school.” 

The school is “a high-quality, well-resourced, and safe environment for day pupils and boarders” and “provides an education that is matched to pupils’ aspirations and abilities.” 

2). Quality of education, training and recreation 

“Leaders place an emphasis on making learning fun and meaningful. Learning is characterised by the creative effort of confident, self-motivated, pupils who are highly proactive in their learning facilitated by teaching that provides consistent stretch and challenge.” 

“The children in the early years acquire good communication and writing skills due to the frequency and the quality of literacy teaching.” 

3). Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing 

“Pupils demonstrate exemplary behaviour and respect towards each other.” 

“In early years, the children learn how to monitor their own feelings and start to take personal responsibility for their actions.” 

4). Pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society  

“The curriculum promotes respect and tolerance, preparing pupils for life in British society.” 

“The boarding experience enables the pupils to develop their independence and social skills by living together in a supportive, cohesive, house environment. Boarders understand how co-operation and compromise enable social responsibility.” 

5). Safeguarding 

“Staff are well trained and knowledgeable…(and) know the safeguarding threshold for behaviour and bullying incidents.” 

“Pupils use…the psychologist, counsellor, chaplain, and those staff trained in emotional and social skills as sources of emotional support.” 

The full report can be found here:

Prep and Senior School ISI Inspection 2024 (PDF 172KB)  

Prep School Regulatory Compliance Report 2020 (PDF 240KB)

Senior School Regulatory Compliance Report 2020 (PDF 244KB)

Note: The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Department for Education for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to Independent Schools Council (ISC) Associations and reporting on compliance with independent school regulations. ISI inspections are also carried out under arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of their membership.

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