Boarding Life | Boarding | St Swithun’s School, Winchester

St Swithun's boarding is designed with the modern family in mind.

Pupils chattingWe offer full boarding for UK-based and international students; weekly boarding for London-based, regional and local families; and flexi-boarding, where there are beds available, to day students from Year 7 upwards. Our range of boarding options allows parents and students to balance the demands of a busy lifestyle, reassured that they have access to a huge breadth of opportunities, first class academic and pastoral support, further education expertise and the secure, homely atmosphere of a contemporary British boarding house.

In 45-acre grounds boarders can access specialist art, drama, music, science, technology, computer science, sport, cookery and textiles facilities, the library, two swimming pools, 12 tennis courts, and a grass athletics track with all-weather field areas. Higher education resources, our student guidance team, presentations from university admissions departments, regular networking and professional guidance events with our engaged alumnae, and our busy outside speaker programme are all available to boarders on-site.

Recent examples of talks attended by boarders, include: Mandy Hicks, a former RAF fighter pilot, discussing gender stereotyping; Amanda Blanc, FTSE 100 CEO, discussing ways to build confidence and resilience and create a personal brand and former student Zara Rutherford, St Swithun’s alumnae and boarder, inspired with tales from her record-breaking solo flight around the world aged 19.

Between the end of the school day at 4.20pm and 6pm boarders spend most of their time taking part in one of more than ten different after school activities each day. They might sing in one of the school choirs on Monday, join gardening club on Tuesday, play cricket on Wednesday, take part in debating club or science club on Thursday.

If they are not taking part in an after-school club, boarders can relax in their own room or can bake, play Wii games or chat in the communal rooms. There is always someone around for a chat or an activity. During the lighter afternoons, boarders can take the minibus into Winchester to stock up on extra treats.

At 6pm all boarders return to their house and between then and 8pm they head over to the dining room for supper and then do their homework. All students have access to a house staff if they need help. Younger girls are free to join evening activities after 8pm, but the older students may carry on working and they are supported by the house tutor until 10pm.

From 8pm, boarders can visit other houses, use the sports facilities or join activities such as sushi-making, baking bread, a spa session, yoga and well-being, playing board games, playing hide and seek, rounders or tennis or taking part in practices for inter-house music, drama or sports competitions. Once a week there is a compulsory house meeting led by the housemistress and the lower sixth house officers. 

Lights out and screen time are closely monitored. House staff make sure that every one of their boarders has time to communicate with their family and has the right amount of downtime and sleep. Our Sleep programme and student champions help to foster an effective atmosphere in houses and our sleep routines are a key part of our mental health awareness programmes.

The weekends offer plenty of time for leisure. On Saturdays, many of our boarders represent the school in areas such as sports matches, debating competitions, Greenpower racing, MUN events, fencing, or Duke of Edinburgh award. After which they have time to relax. We are immensely proud of our weekend activity programme and believe that we have the perfect balance between relaxation time available and our activity programme.

Our boarders can tailor make their own weekend programme to fit with their other commitments and preferences or to spend time with their friends. Each weekend there are over 14 activities including pottery workshops, golf and water sports, escape rooms, shopping and restaurant outings in Winchester, sleepovers in other houses and socials with other schools.

The boarding community at St Swithun’s is cohesive, supportive, happy and thriving. It builds confidence and is characterised by kindness and compassion. Boarders can try any number of new things and to speak out about the issues that are important to them safe in the knowledge that they will be supported and respected. They learn on every level to be ‘who they are’.

Boarders enjoy a delicious and extensive range of meals cooked from scratch on site three times every day featuring cuisine from around the world. Tasting sessions and a food forum give boarders the opportunity to influence the menu. They have the chance to learn about the world, taking part in and leading cultural celebrations, which often have food at their heart.

Boarders forge strong connections with day students and other boarders from the UK and over 20 countries as well as across year groups. There is complete integration across forms, teaching classes and informal groups like ‘families’ which are made up of one or two girls from each year including both boarders and day girls. Boarders are welcome to bring their friends back to the boarding house at break, lunchtime and after school and are encouraged to visit friends in other houses in the evenings and weekends. Sleepovers across the houses are one of the favourite things to do. This integration ensures that non-UK based boarders experience a modern British boarding school experience, learn about the world, make local friends and have friends to travel home with. Our UK boarders are enriched with the knowledge, culture, celebrations and food from a wide range of countries.

The boarding community at St Swithun’s is cohesive, supportive, happy and thriving. It builds confidence and is characterised by kindness and compassion. Boarders can try any number of new things and to speak out about the issues that are important to them safe in the knowledge that they will be supported and respected. They learn on every level to be ‘who they are’.

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