Uniform | Parents | St Swithun’s School, Winchester

Everything you need to know about uniforms at St Swithun's

Senior School Uniform and Kit List


Clothing requirements

uniform list with prices


Prep School Uniform and Kit List




Prep School Equipment


The official supplier for St Swithun's School is Stevensons Ltd.


Ordering Uniform
From Stevensons

You can buy uniform from our supplier Stevensons in person at the school shop by appointment only (see details below) or online. If you are new please book a fitting on site and do not order online in the first instance. Please don’t leave it too late to book an appointment for a full uniform fitting or for ordering special items.

The deadline for personalised items is 1st August and made-to-measure items need to be ordered 12 weeks before they are needed. There is a click and collect service and the Stevensons 120 returns policy means that you can exchange any items if your daughter has a late growth surge.


At the School Shop

The school shop is open between 3.00pm and 5.30pm Monday to Friday during term time.  At your appointment, a fully trained sales advisor will be able to help you with all your uniform and sportswear requirements. An appointment is essential for a full uniform fitting.

You need to register first on the Stevensons website to book a convenient time. The booking system is open now.

Ordering Online

If you know the sizes you need, you can register and then order online and collect your items from the school shop by choosing ‘collect from school shop’ as the shipping option. You will be notified when your order is ready for collection.

Sixth Form Students

Sixth-form students may wear their own clothes, suitable for a working environment, and sensible shoes. Clothing must be presentable with no unsightly rips or profane branding.

Clothing not permitted includes hot-pants, ripped jeans, low-cut tops, mini-skirts, flip-flops, see-through clothing. If clothing is deemed unsuitable a teacher or member of school staff will advise the offending student to change into appropriate attire.


The dress code for performing school concerts is:

  •     Plain white shirt with collar and long sleeves
  •     Ankle length black skirt or smart black trousers
  •     Black tights
  •     Black shoes - low heels
Boarders Only
  •     Nightwear and underwear
  •     Dressing gown and slippers
  •     Toilet bag and toiletries
  •     Tissues
  •     Three bath towels
  •     Coat hangers and skirt hangers
  •     Sports cap drinking water bottle
  •     Reading books
  •     Weekend bag
  •     Pocket money
  •     Favourite teddy (optional)
  •     Small digital luminous clock (optional)
Clothes to Wear out of School Hours
  •     To include at least one smart skirt and top, or dress, and appropriate shoes for formal occasions
  •     Casual clothes for informal wear
  •     Warm waterproof jacket or coat
  •     Footwear for cold, wet weather
  •     Cold weather accessories e.g. gloves, scarf
  •     Sheets and pillowcases are provided by the school.
  •     Duvets are provided in Le Roy and for overseas boarders, if required.
  •     Most girls in the senior boarding houses choose to bring their own duvets and duvet covers.  Please contact your daughter’s housemistress for further details.

All articles of every sort must be marked with name tapes. These should include initials and surname.

Watches must be clearly named and musical instrument cases should be marked inside and out.  The school accepts no responsibility for unmarked property. Valuable articles should not be brought to school (e.g. valuable pens etc).

Splinter-proof glasses are strongly recommended. If these are not provided, girls should have a spare pair, in a spectacle case, which should be marked.

All articles, including shoes, must be sent in good repair each term.

Hair ribbons worn with uniform should be plain navy blue or black.

The only jewellery that may be worn with school uniform is a simple cross and chain and a small plain stud earrings or huggie style earrings, one earring per earlobe.  Nail Polish is not permitted unless it is clear.

Parents are asked to ensure that their daughter's property at the school is covered for insurance purposes either specifically or under parents’ householders' comprehensive policies. Parents overseas are asked to give this matter special consideration. The school cannot accept this liability.

All electrical items must conform to EU / British standards and must be fitted with a UK 3 pin plug.

All enquiries should be addressed to your daughter’s housemistress or housemaster.

Second-hand Uniform

The second hand uniform shop is located on the school premises behind Finlay boarding house and is run on a voluntary basis through the PTA.

It is usually open on the first Friday of every month, but a list of opening dates and times is shown below.  The seller receives 50% of the price and the PTA receives the remaining 50%.

We will obviously accept all new style uniform and will continue to accept lacrosse sticks, sports bags, purse belts etc.

Caroline Boyle (parent) is in charge of the shop and can be contacted via email.

Handing in Items

Clothes can be handed in when the shop is open.

Unless brand new, we cannot sell swimming costumes, leotards, tights and socks (other than lacrosse socks).

Please ensure that the clothes are CLEAN and in GOOD CONDITION.

  •     Anything that is deemed not saleable will be discarded.
  •      Please make sure that there are no ink/paint or sweat stains and there are no holes or buttons missing.
  •     All garments must be labelled with your name and address.  Labels are available from the SHU shop or from the ledge outside the Bursar’s office. If you are unable to fill these in in advance we will ask your daughter to do it at the time of handing in.
  •      Please leave the price blank - we will fill that in.
  •      Please leave your name tapes on in case the label falls off.
  •     You will receive 50% of the selling price but only if we know who you are.  If garments are not labelled/named the money will go to the PTA with our grateful thanks.

The shop is run entirely on voluntary basis through the PTA and there is a good crowd of great volunteers.  However, we are always looking for new volunteers. Helping in the shop is a good way of meeting other parents and takes very little of your time – usually only an hour any time you help!

Please contact Caroline Boyle if you would like to volunteer to help.

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