Welcome To St Swithun's | St Swithun's School | Private School in Winchester, Hampshire

Jane Gandee, Headteacher at St Swithun's School, a private school in Hampshire, in class with pupils

Many schools test new students for their ability in maths and English, as do we, but few identify character strengths and encourage students to use them.

Welcome to St Swithun's

Our vision is a world where young women see possiblities, not barriers. We develop independently minded young women who show courage, compassion, commitment and quiet self-confidence. We believe that it's not just about learning lessons, but learning who we are without fear of failure, censure or outdated attitudes about what young women can aspire to.

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"Bright, motivated girls embrace the top-quality academics, supportive environment, and focus on individual learning."



Lighting sparks since 1884

As a leading independent school in Hampshire, we provide outstanding pastoral care and teaching expertise to create in every individual student a unique tapestry of strengths and interests.

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Pupils reading a book in the library at St Swithun's School for girls, a private school in Hampshire

"I have witnessed first-hand how my three girls have flourished and grown into confident and capable individuals. The nurturing environment and dedicated staff have played a pivotal role in their development, fostering not only their academic achievements but also their personal growth and self-esteem."

Girls taking part in a charity event at St Swithun's School, a private school in Hampshire
Pupil in class at St Swithun's School, a private school for girls in Hampshire
Girl smiling in lesson at St Swithun's School, an independent school in Winchester in Hampshire

Girls taking part in a charity event at St Swithun's School, a private school in Hampshire

Kindness in everything we do

Caritas embodies our commitment to kindness and compassion. We encourage our students to show empathy and generosity, both within our school and in the wider world. This value drives our charitable initiatives and projects, fostering a sense of responsibility and care for others.

Pupil in class at St Swithun's School, a private school for girls in Hampshire


Humilitas teaches us the importance of humility and self-awareness. At St Swithun’s, we strive to create an environment where students appreciate their strengths while recognising the value of learning from others. This humility nurtures a culture of mutual respect and continuous personal growth.

Girl smiling in lesson at St Swithun's School, an independent school in Winchester in Hampshire


Sinceritas emphasises the importance of honesty and integrity in all our actions. We instil in our students the importance of being true to themselves and others, fostering a community built on trust and authenticity. This sincerity ensures that our relationships and endeavours are genuine and meaningful.

"Pupils demonstrate exemplary behaviour and respect towards each other."

ISI 2024

And full of opportunity


Brilliant Boarders

St Swithun's school boarders enjoying a moment together on the front field
St Swithuns students enjoy time together
St Swithun's students take part in a drama production

Our Boarders are Never Bored

Find out more about boarding life at Swithun’s on the outskirts of the historic city of Winchester.

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Prep welcome

Prep Head Liz Norris shares what makes St Swithun’s Prep so special.

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Six Pillars of Sixth Form

Find out why studying at a girls-only sixth form could be the best thing you ever do.

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Pastoral Care

Our award-winning pastoral care empowers all of our girls to flourish, whatever their unique tapestry of strengths and interests.

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Why St Swithun's?

A world-class girl’s boarding and day school offering a complete education.

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In This Section

"This really is the best place to grow up and learn and I'll look back at my time here knowing that I've been given the very best start in life."


It's who we are


Sign up for our Prep School Early Years open afternoon on Friday 14 March.

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